Talk Overview
Dr. Horwich explains that his lab was studying the import and folding of mitochondrial proteins in yeast mutants when he, and his collaborator Ulrich Hartl, discovered Hsp 60, a mitochondrial matrix protein required for proper folding of imported proteins. Hsp60 was found to have homology with proteins from bacteria and plants leading to the discovery of the molecular chaperonin protein family and its role in protein folding.
Speaker Bio
Arthur Horwich

Arthur Horwich received his AB and MD from Brown University. Following a pediatric residency at Yale, Horwich did two postdoctoral fellowships, first with Tony Hunter and Walter Eckhart at the Salk Institute and second with Leon Rosenberg at Yale, before joining the Yale faculty. Currently, Horwich is Sterling Professor of Genetics and Pediatrics at Yale… Continue Reading
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