- [Announcer] Here's a quick intro to key parts of the iBiology Courses V2 website. We'll cover just a few things you should know about when using the site. Since you're watching this video you've already logged in and accessed the course but just a reminder about how to get back later: when you return to the site and log in again, you can access your current and past courses by clicking on the "Dashboard" tab in the top navigation ... the "My Dashboard" tab ... and you can see it right here. So if you click that, the dashboard shows you the courses you're currently enrolled in, or have completed. Let's view the course for "Share Your Research." Once you've clicked into the course, you'll find the course content under the "Course" tab. There are three ways to navigate the course. The first is by clicking the forward and backward arrows, over here. This will take you to next unit in the course...and then the back arrow will take you to the previous. Also, the second method is to use the left-hand navigation. You click this button here, "Course Contents," to see the left-hand navigation. Darker items are the modules, slightly lighter are the sections, which in turn group individual units of content. So each one of these you can highlight -- which means you can navigate to it -- is a unit of content. You can click anywhere on the screen to make the left nav disappear. The third is to use our new "Quick Nav" navigation. The Quick Nav button is right here. The Quick Nav is still in progress, but we wanted it to be a way to give you a complete view of the course, and your current place in it, in one diagram. You can navigate to any unit in the course by clicking on these unit boxes, here. Roll over to see the unit title. You can also see that it's telling you what section that unit is in, and the section's title. So if I click this, I'll go to "Know Your Speaking Style" unit. Now you can bookmark any unit by clicking this little bookmark button over here. And when you do that it lights up blue. And then you can see your bookmarks later by going to the "Bookmarks" tab. And here you can see the bookmark I just made. If I click that it will take me to the unit directly. As you progress through the course, you can go to the "Progress" tab to see how you're doing. The progress page shows your progress. Here's the progress tab right here. The progress page shows the milestones that you need to reach to pass the course. Which is this right here...half of all the assessments. It also shows you your progress towards other milestones that are not related to passing but...as you can see...great if you can achieve them. When you pass, your certificate will be viewable on the "Certificate" tab. You can see that I haven't passed yet so its giving me a note of encouragement. There's also the "Speaker" bios tab to give a bit of background on the course speakers. So really the "Course" tab and the "Progress" tab are the ones you'll be using the most....here and here. And finally, the "Home" tab gives you an overview of the course. If any handouts, important date notices or news items are posted during the course they will appear here. And that's it, really. We hope you enjoy the course!