- A speaking style is that unique way for each speaker to deliver information to their audience. (ethereal electronic music) - Being an effective speaker doesn't mean necessarily using a particular style. I think, to be an effective speaker, you need to discover what works for you. - We've all been trained that science is supposed to be formal and that the best scientists are the ones who are so serious. - Data is data, conclusions are conclusions, but how you present it is what matters. (ethereal music) Some people have a very staid way of talking, and they just give you the data, and that's that. Some people also give it a little flourish. - I'm, I'm a little bit goofy. You know, I like to bring levity and humor. - For other people, maybe the burden and the expectation of having a joke land, they don't see the reason why they'd want to put that pressure on themselves. - Some people feel much more comfortable being behind a podium. - I'm the kind of speaker who likes to move around. I like to walk around a stage. - I like to ask questions to my audience. People feel involved, and they feel part of your talk. - I'm having a conversation with the audience, so I do try to be conversational. - Some people might equate a speaker who's very charismatic with being effective. One doesn't necessarily equal the other. You might consider yourself an introvert, and that's okay. - If you are soft-spoken, and you're concerned that people aren't gonna hear you, don't worry. That's why there are microphones. - I'm pretty loud. For me, that's really about feeling comfort with my own voice. - And we have so many different personalities in this world, and speaking styles can often be a reflection of those personalities, and all of those are great. You know, when you sit down to watch a speaker, you know, you want to see their personality come through. (ethereal music) This makes me think about two young scientists that we worked with in a workshop. - A simple solution to the resolution problem. - One was reserved, and the other was clearly very outgoing. - This is how I used to think of a cornfield. A beautiful place out in the sunshine. - And they, they gave two very different presentations, but ultimately, you got the same product, which was really, really great talks. (upbeat ethereal music) - One thing that I would suggest that is painfully difficult to do but is an amazingly excellent way to work on your style, which is actually film yourself. There's nothing like being able to see yourself sort of outside objectively. Core things that everyone needs to work on: don't put your back to the audience, make sure that you can be heard, and make sure that your pacing is appropriate. People almost invariably speed up. (ethereal electronic music) - It takes time to develop your style. Style works best when it fits you and you feel comfortable with it. I think that's what we mean when we say, "This person has style." - It's not a one-size-fits-all. (ethereal electronic music)