- It's a very, sometimes difficult transition, to go from being a consumer of knowledge to be a producer of knowledge, or trying to make new discoveries. Being a discoverer, requires a whole new skill set. - You're stepping into the unknown. You're starting this project that literally, there's nothing that exists, then you're supposed to create this whole big new thing. - You know, it's not something that's obvious, and this is a part of the training that you should be getting, but not everyone, necessarily, gets the same training. It really can depend on the lab that you're in. We wanted to create a course to get opinions of thought leaders and junior scientists and hear their thoughts on, what do you really need to do to do good science. - So much of what we're building in this course is stuff that I wish had been available when I was a grad student. - I would really like to give the benefit of my hindsight as well as that of the scientific community to those that are just starting out on their journey as a grad student or post doc. - I've been running a research lab for 30 years and what makes science so fascinating to me as a professional is that there's no single approach, good approach, for becoming a good scientist. There are many different ways of being able to ask a good scientific question and many different approaches and styles of addressing them. - We really hope what emerges for you is the theme of diversity and that is that there's no one right personality in science, there's no one right path in science. Everyone has a place in science. - I hope that people really kind of learn how to be their own scientist but take the skills that they can learn from this course and really apply it to their research. - I think one of the things that this course can help with is bringing you information, bringing you ways of thinking, bringing you tips and processes that can really help you maximize your training. - Well beyond the course, we hope that the practices will just become second nature to how you do science. Thank you, we hope you enjoy the course and good luck with your project.