Dan Rather has a resume that reads like a history book. He has interviewed every American president since Eisenhower and personally covered almost every important global dateline of the last 60 years, from the Civil Rights Movement to Vietnam, to Watergate to the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Rather helped pioneer the very idea that television could be a place for news, and he has kept that spirit of innovation alive by constantly pushing the boundaries of what video storytelling could accomplish. His independent production company News and Guts specializes in high-quality non-fiction content across a range of traditional and digital distribution channels. He has a special interest in telling the stories of science. Learn more about Dan Rather’s production company here.
Talks with this Speaker
Conversations in Science with Dan Rather and Harold Varmus: From Oncogenes to PLOS
Dr. Harold Varmus talks to Dan Rather about his journey from literature major to scientist, and from the discovery of oncogenes to creating PLoS. (Talk recorded in April 2019)
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- Educators of H. School / Intro Undergrad
- Educators of Adv. Undergrad / Grad
Conversations in Science with Dan Rather and Daniel Colón-Ramos: Encouraging Scientific Exploration
Daniel Colón-Ramos talks to Dan Rather about how his life experiences inspired him to become a scientist and encourage scientific exploration. (Talk recorded in February 2018)
- General Public
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- Educators of H. School / Intro Undergrad
- Educators of Adv. Undergrad / Grad
Conversations in Science with Dan Rather and Shirley Tilghman: The Future of Science Training
Shirley Tilghman talks to Dan Rather about her career in science and the state of the biomedical workforce. (Talk recorded in March 2013)
- Researcher
- Educators of Adv. Undergrad / Grad
Conversations in Science with Dan Rather and Dalai Lama: Meditation and the Brain
Dan Rather and the Dalai Lama talk about meditation and the brain. (Talk recorded in June 2008)
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- Educators of H. School / Intro Undergrad
- Educators of Adv. Undergrad / Grad
Conversations in Science with Dan Rather and Jennifer Doudna: The Discovery of a Gene Editing Technology
A thoughtful and in-depth conversation between Jennifer Doudna and Dan Rather about CRISPR, a gene editing technology, and Dr. Doudna’s scientific journey. (Talk recorded in March 2016)
- General Public
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- Educators of H. School / Intro Undergrad
- Educators of Adv. Undergrad / Grad
Conversations in Science with Dan Rather and Chris Field: Climate Change
Climate scientist Chris Field talks with veteran journalist Dan Rather about how best to address the destructive effects of climate change. (Talk recorded in December 2015)
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- Educators of H. School / Intro Undergrad
- Educators of Adv. Undergrad / Grad
Conversations in Science with Dan Rather and George Shultz: Climate Change and Renewable Energy
Secretary Shultz explains to veteran journalist Dan Rather why his attention is focused currently on concerns about climate change and renewable energy. (Talk recorded in December 2015)
- General Public
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- Educators of H. School / Intro Undergrad
- Educators of Adv. Undergrad / Grad
Conversations in Science with Dan Rather and Paul Nurse: The State of Science
Conversations in Science: Paul Nurse and Dan Rather come together for a frank and thoughtful conversation on the state of science and its role in society. (Talk recorded in November 2015)
- General Public
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- Researcher
- Educators of H. School / Intro Undergrad
- Educators of Adv. Undergrad / Grad