University of Utah, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Jared Rutter is a Professor of Biochemistry and holds the Dee Glen and Ida Smith Endowed Chair for Cancer Research at the University of Utah. Dr. Rutter received his PhD from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in 2001, working with Dr. Steve McKnight. After receiving his PhD, he spent 18 months as the Sara and Frank McKnight Independent Fellow of Biochemistry before joining the faculty at the University of Utah. As of September 2015, Dr. Rutter is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. In addition to leading his laboratory at the University of Utah, Dr. Rutter is also actively involved in translating these academic discoveries into therapies as a founder, consultant and board member of several companies and venture firms. Dr. Rutter also serves as co-Director of the Diabetes and Metabolism Center at the University of Utah and co-Leader of the Nuclear Control of Cell Growth and Differentiation at Huntsman Cancer Institute.