Check out what iBiology viewers all over the world are saying about our content!
Wow! You gave one more reason why I want to be a bacteriologist. This is one of the best academic videos i have seen for now. Thank you and please stay healthy and strong so that you can give me more of this and to others.
Bonnie Bassler: Cell-Cell Communication in Bacteria
- Wow! You gave one more reason why I want to be a bacteriologist. This is one of the best academic videos i have seen for now. Thank you and please stay healthy and strong so that you can give me more of this and to others.
Carolyn Bertozzi: Chemical Glycobiology
- After watching your lecture, you are without question one of the smartest people in the world. Great job on this lecture. Very clear and well put together. Thank you for sharing your passion.
- Well what can i say, i had to pause the video just to say this is a great video and thank very much for sharing it with me and the world.
- Carolyn you have done a great job explaining this in such detail.Thank You. p.s keep up the good work.
- This is sooo interesting thank you so much for your amazing work
Eric Betzig and Harald Hess: Developing PALM Microscopy
- Really touched by this video. They express the quality of being a great scientist and inventor.
Elizabeth Blackburn: Telomeres and Telomerase: Their Implications in Human Health and Disease
- Great to hear it directly from a top scientist (Nobel Prize award)!!
- Well finally I understood! Thank you.
- These are so far the most usefully spent 48 minutes 27 seconds of my life. Though I still have 62 minutes 13 seconds to go..
Jorge Cham: Creating Ph.D. Comics
- Good interview. Good questions and interesting responses.
Jim Haber: Mechanisms of DNA Repair
- Mind has been blown!
- Awesome, really made a lot of it clearer for me!
- This is amazing, he makes it so easy to understand! All hail Jim Haber ๐
- Brilliant lecturer great speaking voice and really enjoyed the whole thing.
- This was absolutely amazing. He made it so extremely clear and objective.
Tony Hyman: Organization of cytoplasm
- Very informative and professional thank you very much it helped me a lot.
- Anthony is really a good lecturer. Many of your speakers have a marvelous way of taking the most complex idea and explaining it very well.
Cynthia Kenyon: Genes and Cells that Determine the Lifespan of C. elegans
- It’s like a miracle, but it’s not a miracle–it’s science.
- Brilliant, amazing woman. So much respect for her and her research.
- Great video! A nice introduction to this active area of research ๐
- Dr. Kenyon is one of my heroes (she’s up there with Charles Darwin, Francis Crick, Stephen Hawking, etc.)
- I’d marry her in a second! And we’d be happy together living for a few hundred years.
Robert Lefkowitz: Seven Transmembrane Receptors
- This title should be updated to recognize Dr. Lefkowitz’s recent Nobel Prize in Chemistry. We are lucky to be have access to his lectures through iBioSeminars!
Matthew Meselson: The Semi-Conservative Replication of DNA
- What a rockstar of science! He would be fully justified to appear in a velvet cape and shout: Behold my intellectual browess! Instead he couldn’t be more humble. What an inspiration.
Eva Nogales: Introduction to Electron Microscopy
- This is amazingly explained. Thank you Dr.
- That was really awesome. Thanks for leaving this free for students to learn from. Many thanks!
Mu-Ming Poo: Learning and Memory: From Synapse to Perception
- Now I’ve learned something important. Thank you very much.
- Very informative. Simplifies the very complex topic of LTP, and explains it clearly.
Nico Stuurman: Fluorescence Microscopy
- Nico Stuurman, you are a rockstar!
- AWESOME stuff!!! Just what i need ๐ Thanks ibioseminars!!
- You are indeed a teacher, and your understanding of this topic is on an astronomical scale
- Thank you very much for recording this presentation ๐ It was very useful.
- I learnt a lot from this presentation. Absolutely engaging. Thanks ๐
Susan Taylor: Protein Kinases; Structure, Function and Regulation
- Great video! Zillions of thumbs ups!
- Excellent explanation. I’m working on my Ph.D. right now, where I’m focusing in a lot on kinases, in particular Src. This definitely has aided my understanding ๐
Kurt Thorn: Optical Sectioning and Confocal Microscopy
- Thank you for this clear and interesting talk about confocal microscopy.
- Really nice video, thanks for uploading this. I suggest this to anyone who is going to use a confocal as its going to make your life a lot easier and will make it all a lot clearer. Thanks
- Thanks for an excellent, easy to follow introduction to confocal microscopy! That would have taken me hours to read ๐ Keep up the great work.
Eric Weischaus: Patterning Development in the Early Embryo
- I appreciate this. Thanks YouTube and the Professor. He is soo smooth with his lectures. With this technology we don’t even need to pay to go to school. We can just learn at home. =D
- Thanks for the lesson, Professor. Amazing topic, the trapped maternal RNA and the bicoid protein gradient story blew my mind…
- I just found this channel. I subbed. Finally i found a productive use to YouTube.
- Thanks a lot. You have made it so simple and clear. I can meet my class with confidence and clarity.
Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa: How I Became a Scientist
- Thank you for sharing this amazing and inspiring man’s life story.
- Please keep inspiring us by your courage and perseverance, and passion! ๐
More Feedback from iBiology Viewers:
- This is an amazing resource! Thank you for pioneering and developing it! (Medical Student, New York, USA)
- Your resource is quite comprehensive and offers a wonderful opportunity for professional edification in the comfort of one’s own private space for life science educators. (Retired teacher, New Jersey, USA)
- This is a really great way to reach out to the community and make science readily available to everyone. Thank you very much, it is a wonderful website! (Berkeley, USA)
- It is a wonderful means to bring quality education to all those people around the globe who are knowledge hungry and lack the means to acquire quality education. (Austria)
- Students have told me that these lectures completely opened their eyes to possibilities they were just unaware of. (Professor, Ghana)
- They are fundamental and lay the background for understanding the implications of growing science and technology in the biological field. (Graduate Student, Chennai, India)
- I subscribe to the magazine. I like the fact that there’s a wide variety of pieces. It gives a fair impression of science. It’s not just bench work, it’s also politics. (USA)
- I have been enjoying the site a lot, the explanations are easy to understand, the duration of the seminars is the appropriate and the topics are interesting. The teaching tools are also very useful for students. (Graduate student, Lausanne, Switzerland)
- I assign these lectures for many reasons. First, nothing is better than hearing from the experts. I also feel this gives students exposure to the world of biological research that they wouldn’t get here at a regional state institution. Finally, I think this helps students understand that the study of cell biology goes beyond the memorization of terms and phrases that they often confuse with learning. It gives them a broader sense of application. (Professor, Oklahoma, USA)
- Wow, your videos are awesome. I hope more and more people discover them. (California, USA)
- It is great pleasure to both enjoy ibioseminars and share it with others. I really hope more and more wonderful lectures will be added. (Graduate student, Beijing, China)
- Really amazing site. Just discovered. Love it totally. I am going to spend many hours listening and reading and informing myself here. Thanks a LOT! (Undergraduate, Germany)
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