Talk Overview
Although the US research enterprise is successful and productive, Michael Teitelbaum explains it is not very stable. This instability is primarily due to a history of boom & bust funding cycles. The most recent cycle occurred from 1998 to 2008, when the NIH budget doubled and then abruptly stalled. These boom & bust funding cycles are harmful to universities, faculty, and, most especially, early-career scientists and trainees. Teitelbaum offers three solutions for how to bring stability to the US research enterprise and make it sustainably productive.
Speaker Bio
Michael S. Teitelbaum

Michael Teitelbaum is Senior Research Associate at the Labor and Worklife Program, Harvard Law School, and former Vice President of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. He is a demographer who studies labor and worklife issues of scientists and engineers. Teitelbaum has authored many books over the course of his career, most recently Falling Behind? Boom,… Continue Reading
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