Talk Overview
The immune system is responsible for fighting infection and disease. It is comprised of many specialized cell types, all which work together to keep people healthy. In this short video, Dr. Brittany Anderton introduces the cells of the immune system. She compares and contrasts innate and adaptive immunity, and lays out the molecular interactions required to activate each type of response.
Speaker Bio
Brittany Anderton

Dr. Brittany Anderton obtained her PhD in biomedicine from UCSF in 2015. After that, she did a non-traditional postdoc at UC Davis where she studied the teaching and communication of biotechnology. Brittany has served as adjunct faculty at UC Davis and CSU Sacramento, where she taught introductory biology courses. At iBiology, she seeks to improve… Continue Reading
Adrienne Le says
Hi I’ve been looking for a chart of the different cells and I found yours on 1:28. Would you be able to point in the right direction of where I can find a chart that’s similar?